Pharmacological characterization of the diuretic effect of Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn (Malvaceae) extract. P.S- Consider sharing this post, if you find it useful and/or interesting. If you have benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), certain substances may make your condition worse. Asparagus, celery, artichoke, fennel and watercress are diuretic vegetables. So why do blueberries work as a diuretic? High in fiber, potassium and vitamins A, C and K, blueberries pack a hefty nutritional punch. I will have them for dessert tonight. Yes, raspberries have fiber that can help promote digestion health. J Int Soc Sports Nutr 2021;18(1):60. If you have diabetes and eat blueberries, their glucose will be released into the bloodstream slowly during digestion, which is a good thing. Characterization of wild blueberry polyphenols bioavailability and kinetic profile in plasma over 24-h period in human subjects. McDougall, G. J., Shpiro, F., Dobson, P., Smith, P., Blake, A., and Stewart, D. Different polyphenolic components of soft fruits inhibit alpha-amylase and alpha-glucosidase. Learn More: How long do blueberries last? Horsetail tea is used as a diuretic, and can also improve nail and hair health. Diuretics help flush out the excessive water and salts from the body through urination. This relative of the rose family is a powerful diuretic. Take it slow and experiment with: Add these condiments for double the diuretic effect: In addition to providing vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, the water, fiber and enzymes in many fruits expedite digestion and flush out excess fluids. When diuretics flush away sodium, the body also flushes away water. Why Doesn't the U.S. Have at-Home Tests for the Flu? 2008;11(4):172-182. I assume its the blueberries. Many people are surprised when they learn that those tart, refreshing little berries can make them go to the bathroom more often! Four days of blueberry powder supplementation lowers the blood lactate response to running but has no effect on time-trial performance. Well, the leaves and roots of wild strawberries can be used to treat diarrhea. Roselle, a species of hibiscus, showed significant diuretic effects in one 2012 study. The natural acidic content in cranberry juice lowers your bodys pH level which contributes to its diuretic effect. N Engl J Med 1991;324:1599. You can freeze blueberries in compote or in desserts. Sweeney, M. I., Kalt, W., MacKinnon, S. L., Ashby, J., and Gottschall-Pass, K. T. Feeding rats diets enriched in lowbush blueberries for six weeks decreases ischemia-induced brain damage. Don't stop taking your medication without your doctor's approval. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Along with the berries, whose useful properties are not disputed, the leaves of the plant are also rich in healing properties, especially antioxidants: they are used as an anti-inflammatory, diuretic, with their help reduce high blood pressure, treat pancreatitis, they are part of cardiac fees, with diabetes lower the sugar. 2016 Sep 22. Hibiscus is available as a tea. Pedersen CB, Kyle J, Jenkinson AM, et al. Parsley, especially as a tea, is a traditional remedy for water retention. J Acad Nutr Diet. The answer is yes, blueberries are a diuretic. Eating fruit also helps stave off. Water retention involves increased amounts of fluids building up inside the body. Hawthorn is available as a tea. Effect of blueberry juice on clearance of buspirone and flurbiprofen in human volunteers. 2004;7(5-6):309-316. Antihyperuricemic and diuretic effects of Procyanidins extracted from Crataegus monogyna. More recent research has also confirmed its diuretic properties. Br J Nutr 2006;96(6):993-996. A variety of different diuretic drinks and foods are part of a normal diet. Find information on the risks and side effects associated with diuretics. J Agric.Food Chem 2-13-2008;56(3):705-712. I was anxious to have the baby. While parsley is mainly used as a garnish, it may be useful for people who are having trouble tolerating diuretic drugs. Strawberries are a tasty, sweet and refreshing snack. 2003;6(3):153-162. Planta Med 1996;62:212-6.. View abstract. 2015;237(3):183-91. 2005 - 2023 WebMD LLC. Barfoot KL, May G, Lamport DJ, Ricketts J, Riddell PM, Williams CM. These diuretics have the potential to lower your potassium levels. Kalt W, Liu Y, McDonald JE, Vinqvist-Tymchuk MR, Fillmore SA. 2004;7(2):75-83. In conclusion: although the data so far has been promising, there isn't enough evidence yet to definitively say how much of an impact eating blueberries directly impacts ones need for frequent urination - but it certainly can't hurt! This beautiful flower has more than just its looks. Research has also indicated that these compounds boost blood flow to the kidneys which helps them to excrete toxins more efficiently than usual. Debra Sullivan, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI, 8 Easy Ways to Lose Water Weight (Fast and Safely), Performance Enhancers: The Safe and the Deadly. View abstract. Boespflug EL, Eliassen JC, Dudley JA, et al. Strawberries have been found to increase urinary excretion among individuals who eat at least 400g of these fruits daily. Hawthorn berries can also act as diuretics and may help treat kidney problems. 5 Printable Weight Loss Charts to Help You Reach Your Goals. All rights reserved. Can Cucumbers And Tomatoes Be Planted Together. The International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research found garlic to be effective as a diuretic. Wilms, L. C., Boots, A. W., de Boer, V. C., Maas, L. M., Pachen, D. M., Gottschalk, R. W., Ketelslegers, H. B., Godschalk, R. W., Haenen, G. R., van Schooten, F. J., and Kleinjans, J. C. Impact of multiple genetic polymorphisms on effects of a 4-week blueberry juice intervention on ex vivo induced lymphocytic DNA damage in human volunteers. They can help relieve bloating after a salty meal or from monthly hormonal fluctuations. Watermelon (one of the very best diuretic fruits) Pineapple (aids digestion as well) Cranberries (also promotes bladder health and fight urinary infections) Pears Peaches Figs Apples Lemons Grapefruit (Often touted as a calorie burning booster too) Grapes Cantaloupe Honeydew melon Blueberries Raspberries Blackberries Juniper berries Strawberries (2014). . Most diuretic foods and drinks may need to be consumed in large amounts to actually produce any effect. J Hum Hypertens. They are considered a mild diuretic. These products are typically extremely rich in potassium. When eating blueberries, one should try to keep well hydrated. Research has shown that the plants nutrients increase urinary excretion and flow. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1998;854:268-76.. View abstract. Always check with your doctor before adding any supplements, including blueberry leaves, and monitor your blood sugar carefully. Nutr Neurosci. Monitor your blood sugar closely. Whyte AR, Schafer G, Williams CM. Effects of blueberry supplementation on measures of functional mobility in older adults. Finally, while more research is needed, some studies have even shown eating blueberries may bolster blood flow to kidney tissue itself. They accomplish this by fielding more sodium into your urine, which attracts water away from tissues and cells and into the bladder. You can also toss blueberries into salads or pancake batter, bake them in desserts or add them to soups and side dishes. 2012-07-30 09:12:40. Eur J Nutr 2018;57(3):1169-80. Yet, more research is needed to confirm these effects. Food Funct. View abstract. Read more: 5 Things You Need to Know About Hypoglycemic Attacks. All rights reserved. Excess of dietary fiber can cause stomach discomfort, gastrointestinal problems like bloating, flatulence, diarrhea, etc. Lyons MM, Yu C, Toma RB, et al. Mol.Nutr Food Res 2007;51(6):652-664. They also contain vitamin C, other antioxidants, and. Beets are high in potassium, which helps eliminate fluid. 2015 Sep 30;6:782. Blueberry supplementation reduces the blood lactate response to running in normobaric hypoxia but has no effect on performance in recreational runners. Walnuts. Blueberries are edible fruits from the Vaccinium angustifolium plant. Zhong S, Sandhu A, Edirisinghe I, Burton-Freeman B. Read more: 43 Supplements Exposed: Which Ones to Consider, Which Ones to Avoid. DOI:,, The 8 Best Natural Diuretics to Eat or Drink. View abstract. It is worth noting however that excessive ingestion of grape juice could result in dehydration so moderation should be exercised when taking any form of grape beverage! They also contain fiber which keeps the digestive system healthy and may aid weight loss efforts. J Agric Food Chem 2003;51:5867-70. Animal products, like chicken, beef, fish, dairy and eggs also contain potassium. Other studies have shown similar benefits for consuming blueberries for diabetes. Your doctor may have already recommended making dietary changes tailored to the way your body responds to your diuretics. View abstract. Rutledge GA, Fisher DR, Miller MG, Kelly ME, Bielinski DF, Shukitt-Hale B. Unfortunately, in some cases, they can have side effects, including gastrointestinal distress, hypoglycemia and an increased risk of bleeding if you're taking certain prescription medications. DOI: Jurikova T, et al. Find out more about the nutrition breakdown of blueberries on MyPlate. Effects of a single dose of a flavonoid-rich blueberry drink on memory in 8 to 10 y old children. Nutr Neurosci. Diuretics are substances that help promote urination, and can be useful for people who have water retention or other related issues. A randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study to compare the safety and efficacy of low dose enhanced wild blueberry powder and wild blueberry extract (ThinkBlue) in maintenance of episodic and working memory in older adults. Stote KS, Wilson MM, Hallenbeck D, et al. View abstract. However, it is better to not to take a risk and avoid blueberries in the first place ( in case of salicylate allergy ). 2023 LoveToKnow Media. View abstract. Are raspberries a diuretic? Raspberries should not be taken for medical purposes without consulting with your doctor first but can be easily included in various recipes or enjoyed fresh on their own for their added health benefits. View abstract. Truly Simple Ways to Eat More Fruits & Vegetables. BLUEBERRIES JUICE Among the recommended drinks, blueberry juice that fights water retention and activates circulation is also perfect. View abstract. Diuretics can be taken as medications, but they also occur naturally in a variety of plant-based products. For example, a review article published in March 2017 in the Journal of Functional Foods looked at the results of several studies on the effect of blueberries on health indicators. Although diuretic drinks and foods can be healthy and beneficial, these products may not function in the same way as your diuretic medications especially if you're taking potassium-sparing diuretics. J Pharm Pharmacol 2007;59(4):591-596. Here are nine natural diuretics you can snag in the produce aisle of your grocery store. Below are seven common herbs and supplements that act as natural diuretics. Martineau, L. C., Couture, A., Spoor, D., Benhaddou-Andaloussi, A., Harris, C., Meddah, B., Leduc, C., Burt, A., Vuong, T., Mai, Le P., Prentki, M., Bennett, S. A., Arnason, J. T., and Haddad, P. S. Anti-diabetic properties of the Canadian lowbush blueberry Vaccinium angustifolium Ait. We avoid using tertiary references. 2019:1-7. Alternatively, eating fresh cranberries can also be beneficial; however their tart taste may not be for everyone! Diuretics help the body get rid of excess fluid, mainly water and sodium. Learn more about what is safe and whats not. That being said, some diuretics are more potent than others. Youdim KA, Shukitt-Hale B, MacKinnon S, et al. Since blueberries have a score of 53, they are considered a low-GI food. This is because consuming blueberries leaves can decrease our blood sugar level to a dangerously low level which can give rise to hypoglycemia which can be identified by the common symptoms like blurred vision,sudden mood change, sudden nervousness,pale skin, headache, hunger, sweating,shaking,trouble thinking or concentrating, loss of consciousness, etc. Diuretics are cleansing agents that flush excess fluid from your body. Eggplant is not recommended for people with severe asthma, and green beans may be unsuitable for people who have gout. Cranberries can indeed act as an effective and gentle diuretic due to their high concentrations of ursolic acid; however all preventative and medical advice should seek professional attention before relying solely on any treatment alternative alone. View abstract. View abstract. Miraghajani M, Momenyan S, Arab A, Hasanpour Dehkordi A, Symonds ME. Kay, C. D. and Holub, B. J. Phytochemistry 1988;27:2397-2409. (2012). Rodriguez-Mateos A, Del Pino-Garca R, George TW, Vidal-Diez A, Heiss C, Spencer JP. Mol Nutr Food Res. Select a condition to view a list of vitamins. Blueberries are high in potassium, which is mildly diuretic and helps reduce belly fat Eating blueberries can help reduce belly fat. Cucumber is a natural diuretic due to its high water content and ability to lower uric acid levels in the body. Goyarzu, P., Malin, D. H., Lau, F. C., Taglialatela, G., Moon, W. D., Jennings, R., Moy, E., Moy, D., Lippold, S., Shukitt-Hale, B., and Joseph, J. You should also keep in mind that dietary changes can affect the functionality of your medications. Several different conditions might cause a rapid heart beat and hunger can be one of them. To some, the dandelion is just a weed. Because parsley is a diuretic, you'll want to give it . Asparagus (This delicate, classic stalk vegetable makes urine fragrant, Pumpkin (These nutritional powerhouses fight both constipation and water bloat. So why do blueberries work as a diuretic? Basu A, Feng D, Planinic P, Ebersole JL, Lyons TJ, Alexander JM. Here's a list of the 8 best natural diuretics. View abstract. Diuretic effect and mechanism of action of parsley. Many are high in potassium and magnesium, both of which counteract sodium. Are blackberries a diuretic? It's also important to be aware that not all diuretics foods are suitable for everyone. CONDITIONS OF USE AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This information is meant to supplement, not replace advice from your doctor or healthcare provider and is not meant to cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions or adverse effects. This is because although blueberries are a good source of a number of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytochemicals, flavonoids, carotenoids, etc. Nutrition 2007;23(11-12):844-852. DOI: Kreydiyyeh SI. Too much salt and sugar, along with too little protein, can cause water retention. If your doctor has already prescribed diuretics, you'll know that improperly balanced sodium and potassium levels can be dangerous for your health. It can reduce fluid buildup, which means it can also improve symptoms of congestive heart failure. Jimnez-Ferrer E, et al. Therapeutic Research Faculty 2018. If you've been diagnosed with diabetes, taking blueberry leaves as a supplement can cause a dangerous drop in blood sugar levels. ), blueberries are closely related to cranberries, bilberries, and huckleberries.These small, round berries are about 0.2-0.6 inches (5-16 mm . Reversals of age-related declines in neuronal signal transduction, cognitive, and motor behavioral deficits with blueberry, spinach, or strawberry dietary supplementation. View abstract. Thus making them very effective as a treatment for urinary infections, and also one of the best natural diuretics. Learn more here about BPH and medications to avoid, Acid reflux or GERD can lead to some unpleasant symptoms, like heartburn, a sour taste in the mouth, and even difficulty swallowing. You should also avoid salt substitutes if you're taking this type of diuretic. Like many natural diuretics, juniper doesnt seem to lower potassium levels like some drugs do. and the presence of these compounds make them very beneficial for our health. Blueberries are considered a superfood because they are low in calories and high in vitamin C, fiber, antioxidants, and phytochemicals. Many people may not know that grapes can act as a diuretic, meaning they increase the production and rate of urination. From there, we found a host of fruits and vegetables with properties that qualify them for your list of diuretic foods: Artichokes. Taking diuretic medications alongside large amounts of diuretic foods or beverages may negatively impact your health, particularly the health of your heart. Excessive urination volume (or polyuria) occurs when you urinate more than normal. These berries are a blood-sugar-friendly food, in part, because of their fiber. If you've been prescribed loop or thiazide diuretics, your doctor has likely recommended that you increase the amount of potassium-rich foods in your diet. 2015 Mar;115(3):369-77. (2012). All rights reserved -. View abstract. The next day, I had to keep running to the rest room and I could not figure why and the only thing I did different was ate the blueberries my niece bought for me. Whyte AR, Cheng N, Fromentin E, Williams CM. Antioxidant-rich diets improve cerebellar physiology and motor learning in aged rats. Weight loss, health and body image are complex subjects before deciding to go on this diet, we invite you gain a broader perspective by reading our exploration into the hazards of diet culture. Here are 6 simple ways to reduce water retention. While modern medicine offers up pharmaceutical diuretics, there are plenty of delicious fruits, vegetables and other foods that can reverse water retention as well. View abstract. "In addition, blueberries are a juicy fruit, which means they contain mostly water. J Nutr 2010;140(9):1582-7. Blueberries are known to work as a diuretic, and increase the bodys output of urine. View abstract. Both green and black teas have shown potential as natural diuretics. (Here's more about why beets are great and how to grow them.) pii: E650. A half-cup of blueberries has 2 grams of fiber. Nutrients. Yes, they are! However, if you have a medical issue, check with your doctor before adding them to your diet. Blueberries are high in fiber, which can help with normal digestion. Although they aren't the most potent of natural diuretics, their mild effect on aiding in increased urination has been well established. Georgian.Med News 2006;(141):66-72. pii: E660. Eating more fruits and vegetables that act as diuretics may be another beneficial solution. When eaten in moderation, blueberries can play an important role in a healthy, balanced diet. Antioxidants (Basel). Nutrients. Stull AJ, Cash KC, Champagne CM, et al. 2020;69(2):143-151. Cause stomach discomfort, gastrointestinal problems like bloating, flatulence, diarrhea, etc j! Be unsuitable for people with severe asthma, and also one of the 8 best diuretics... Family is a natural diuretic due to its diuretic effect also important to be aware that not all foods... And kinetic profile in plasma over 24-h period in human subjects blueberries salads... Are closely related to cranberries, bilberries, and contain fiber which keeps the digestive system and. Without your doctor 's approval more sodium into your urine, which means they contain mostly water helps eliminate.. Well established 've been diagnosed with diabetes, taking blueberry leaves as a tea, is a traditional remedy water... 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