Anggarrgoon As problems with simple tree models multiplied, historical linguists were increasingly burdened with ever more complex graphic representations of their ideas. (Maybe more controversially: I have a somewhat bleak views on how much value non-paradigmatic and non-semantically-quirky grammatical evidence has for anything in one-or-two-segment comparisons, high odds of chance resemblance quickly dilutes the value of even exact formal identities. I also have great sympathy for those who want to use the spelling auroch, since the singular aurochs still just looks wrong to me. That said, I seem to remember that the idea that Semitic originated in Ethiopia and spread from there to Asia (propagated by Roger Blench?) It is a very basic animal. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Commented-On Language Hat Posts (courtesy of J.C.; contains useful Random Link feature). AA substrate vs. Paleohispanic (as we now know, the Basque are newcomers) The were fighting and then some idiot invited Celts, and Celts wrote back to Hallstatt that the land is rich and people are weak. I just noticed I missed a whole bunch of comments here. In this regard, also compare the side-by-side existence of Spanish pez fish (as a animal) and pescado caught fish, fish (considered as food), where we might see the sort of situation that existed in Brittonic when the inherited Brittonic word (still in the River Usk, probably) was pushed out by the loanword from Latin pisctus. I had, indeed, believed the converse: that the city of Ur was not called that natively, but named by some German archaeologist because of its extreme antiquity. Efforts have been made in the past to explain the suffix/prefix difference as due to Gur having reinforced its nouns with following articles and then having lost its original prefixes. Proto-Mande is certainly doable. Not everything here hedge, pike, spike, pin, spine, tine, brod, means exactly a thorn/prick[le] etc., but many do, many mean similar things and I could name many more. Its not as crude as early lexicostatistics. The Dagaare for hedgehog is zampo. The Bantu languages are spoken in a very large area, including most of Africa from southern Cameroon eastward to Kenya and southward to the southernmost tip of the continent. I actually did not understand how influential Greenberg is. Could it simply be older than the Germanic *o > *a shift? A flat area of silt or sand, free of vegetation and usually characterized by salt deposits, that lies at the bottom of a desert basin and is dry except after rain. Harold Fleming (2006) proposes that Ongota constitutes a separate branch of Afroasiatic. Lionel Bender (1997) groups Berber, Cushitic, and Semitic together as Macro-Cushitic. Friedrich Mller named the traditional Hamito-Semitic family in 1876 in his Grundriss der Sprachwissenschaft (Outline of Linguistics), and defined it as consisting of a Semitic group plus a Hamitic group containing Egyptian, Berber, and Cushitic; he excluded the Chadic group. WP says there might have been derivational affixes in Old Chinese cognate to ones in Tibetan (EDIT: This also submitted by the Welsh team), but it was otherwise isolating. To me this just sounds like the phylogenetics-speak version of the (as far as Im aware) relatively uncontroversial claim that East Semitic (represented only by Akkadian in their study, though IIRC the other members are fairly sparsely attested) is a sister branch to the entire remainder of Semitic. I wonder how common is creative use of class markers, though. Anyway: textbooks claim that Mande is N-K, Wikipedia does, this paper does NOT say it. As part of this, this redescription may contribute to revealing whether the [] with their derived fossorial adaptations indeed arose from a generalized early amniote ancestor or whether such adaptations are examples of evolutionary convergence between non-amniote and amniote groups. a statement of this will be useful to future studies, Within this [] framework, derivation of the [] condition requires only subtle modifications of the skull to the condition already present in [] (e.g. Hes trying to make out that the argument that Mande is not related to Volta-Congo is entirely to do with the absence of noun classes and Volta-Congo-type verbal derivation. Though the methodology of the paper itself is valueless (after all, its the same as the process that proved that Indo-European originated in Anatolia nine thousand years ago), the idea of the Semitic languages originating in Iran is not quite as counterintuitive if you imagine Semitic replacing some other Afro-Asiatic language groups intervening (geographically, and perhaps linguistically too) between the supposed Semitic homeland and Egypt. Speculative Grammarian And yes, it marks me wrong unless I keep the peces swim, pescado is food distinction straight. Welsh is quite fond of making singulatives out of plurals, which then oust the original singular form, as with llygoden mouse = Old Irish luch (accusative lochaid), via the perfectly-to-be-expected regular plural form llygod. A and C are distant tips of the continuum, B is average in many ways because of diffusion. Most scholars, however, reject this proposal, and continue to group Beja as the sole member of a Northern branch within Cushitic. Re Proto-Semitic being spoken in the area now known as the Rub-al-Khali, a hypothesized Urheimat buried under sand dunes is not quite as advantageous (in terms of resistance to impertinent questions from skeptics) as one submerged under the North Sea, but still pretty good. If you already knew the tree, you wouldnt need to run the analysis. Maybe this is some Potou-Akanic-internal process that Stewart felt could be projected back to Proto-Volta-Congo (if so, again illustrating the problem with his general thesis.). DE: Oh, sure. I think you are seriously underestimating the diversity of both Niger-Congo and Nilo-Saharan; even those who believe that those are actually valid constructs at all would say that both are very diverse indeed. Not so: morphology is not the sole evidence. Id prefer if hed also given a column to Old Nubian. But could this article on an Old Nubian letter help you believe his assertion that The /g/ is just the development of an ancient *d as aneffect of dissimilation is more than just cherry-picking. This is just a beginning a handful of proposals in the 2017 list fail the sound correspondences proposed in the 2021 presentation, some of the IE reconstructions are taken from old literature and dubious, and the current average quality of Proto-Uralic reconstruction hasnt quite reached the current average quality of PIE reconstruction*. 4) why so many peoples called hedgehog by such a compound? without morphology a genetic relationship cant be established. * The author of all three works is a Uralicist, though, so his choice of PU reconstructions is likely to be much better than those of almost anyone who has tried to work on Indo-Uralic before. Separate reflexes for intervocalic *h and *h, namely vs. , seem to be consensus. Maybe its just the biorxiv version, which could have been scanned from a paper copy or maybe received in Word and printed for scanning or something. However, an abecedary found at the Palestinian site of Beth Shemesh, consisting of consonantal cuneiform characters like those in use at Ugarit, shows the same letter order as found in the Old South Arabian script. No luck. Many language families that nobody but the Merritt Ruhlens of this world thinks are related to Niger-Congo show exuberant productive verb derivation by suffixing. Certainly on libgen), and there: Bantu languages, a group of some 500 languages belonging to the Bantoid subgroup of the Benue-Congo branch of the Niger-Congo language family. It eases my conscience a bit about my dabbling with Swadesh lists in Oti-Volta, where Ive seen fit to discard inconvenient outcomes when they seem grossly at variance with better evidence for subgrouping, but snuck in lexicostatistics as a help to estimating the relative length of the various branches (as opposed to defining the branching in the first place.) unhappy part of the world I googled for Ushari Ahmed Mahmoud mentioned by Thelwall, and It seems Sudanese governments love to arrest people named so. The proposals are not really any more long-range than those which got prematurely canonised as Niger-Congo and Nilo-Saharan by Greenberg. turned the aspirates into affricates, and then the postvocalic short ones into long fricatives.). *ramc people). So does his fathers, but his mothers first name looks Norwegian. It would be interesting to see how much of the expansion of AA can be accounted for as purely pastoralist, though. In my account of Oti-Volta (due to appear Real Soon Now) I do use lexicostatistics for this, but I also cheat freely: I think this is defensible so long as you clearly explain when you are cheating, why you are cheating, and just what difference the cheating has made to your final classification. I may have to ask for my money back. (A.E. For me at least. Sure. My impression is that historical linguists love company. I take it that the standard languages are meant. From what we know of hunter-gatherer society, I would be completely unphased if today, we saw a patchwork of surviving languages A1147 and A1254; B2121 and B2131, C3454, C9720, no D, but E5157 and E5159. Those were the times lo these onescore years ago. Another locative ending seems to be *r (e.g. If you accept it in the strong formulation, Semitic (Semitic-1) must have arrived from Africa. The point is not the judgment to be made about correctness, only that with this level of variability, this is not a transparent, repeatable scientific process. Does OV commonly have nouns which are clearly fossilized deverbals? By what Men call chance, he arrived during a miners strike and made a huge profit. But I only know this because Ive already done a lot of reconstruction before even thinking about trying any lexicostatistics. -Pharyngeal consonants. (But on Sua, I might want to see also the cited Segerer paper on it.). There are systematic cases too, for example trees and their fruits, e.g. Sadly, it was pushed away from the market by Apple and Google. (Hausa has borrowed two; Thai has borrowed one through ten.). Blench has also suggested it for the spread of Austronesian through Indonesia. Of course North Germanic is a mess in its own right; AFAIK the historical split is Danish/Swedish vs. Icelandic/Norwegian (with a few marginal dialects that dont belong in either), but in the modern situation it only works (and then barely) if Norwegian means Landsml; Bokml is pretty much just Danish-across-the-Skagerrak and Nynorsk is trying really hard to get closer to Swedish. The most extreme case for Niger-Congo is Gerrit Dimmendaals 2011 book, which rejects numerous established branches and treats them as independent. The verb digi has got the whole set of regular inchoative and causative derived forms that other body-position verbs do, and belongs to the minority imperfective-only conjugation just like the others, so it doesnt seem likely to be a recent loan or anything of that kind. It will be soon; Ill try to remember to post the link here. The same seems to have been true of Chadic peoples, Cushitic peoples. Dick & Garlick We conclude that African taurines received as much as 26% (estimated as 0.263 in the network, p-value<2.2e-308) of their ancestry from admixture with wild African auroch, with the rest being Fertile Crescent domesticate in origin.". You can model a realistic amount of borrowing (30%) and assume there is no borrowing within closely related branches (?realistic). I thought this, by Blench, was extremely well written. Gold filigreed pendant found with female skeletons in upper layer of Early Bronze Age Tomb 1. Feminine/masculine of diminution as in Lopit is the same (I think we also need a language where augmentation rather than diminuation is widespread and marked, for collection). Thank you for reminding me to do something I should have done months ago and write to Roger asking him to put a clarification on that draft; its clearly not obscure enough for me to ignore. Real Academia dictionary (Spanish) The latter two are just spinoffs of the first, created mainly to maximize all impact factors (i.e. (This can lead to myopia, though: Id have realised that the verb sit was reconstructable to Proto-Volta-Congo a lot earlier were it not for the fact that all of Western Oti-Volta has adopted a quite unrelated root, just to throw me off the scent. Center for Hebraic Thought at The King's College | 56 Broadway | New York, NY 10004. (Ive seen quite a number of plainly erroneous statements about individual Western Oti-Volta languages which would have been avoided if the authors had looked even a little at the related languages comparative work has unequivocal value in understanding contemporary phenomena. Infixes are inserted within a root. It occurs to me that Cortzars forms may have been old-fashioned even for his time, as he was born in 1914 and spent most of his adult life in Paris. He just likes to think of the Dogon languages as all part of the family (I like the idea myself, on that level. They understand that perfectly well, and their method is designed to discover them in the dataset, i.e. (This, too, could add to the apathy Spanish consumers feel for sharks, Garca Salinas theorizes; in a market, these animals are not labeled with the Spanish word for shark, tiburn, but instead with titles like cazn, a word commonly used for several types of fish. For two of the three NC isolates I dont see any real discussion of them belonging to the overall family either though and maybe they, too, would be more safely considered isolates period? People of both Sahul and the Sahel could cover large distances by cassowary-pulled chariots, Well, Hadza is bordered by Iraqw: He says, there is a paper by Elderkin with some 20 parallels with Omotic within the Swadesh list of 100 (and also gender and 1-2 person sg. I withdraw my unworthy insinuation. The late Prof Mary Esther Kropp Dakubu did a lot of (excellent) work on individual languages in and around Ghana along with broader linguistic issues and historical and comparative work. A Piagetian orientation will explain them in terms of general cognitive principles and shared conceptual underpinnings which provide a universal epistemological basis for acquisition of linguistic knowledge (Slobin 1985). Though I wouldnt object to having Spanish Spanish voseo as an alternative to whatever the Ustedes version is called, I am in Europe after all and I do have plans to visit Spain much before going back to Latin America. My next idea was professionalization (a source of jargon). Similarly, the inlanders had no children (plant) apart from those they imported from the coast. Proto-Afroasiatic) was spoken. As a contrast, the Spanish Swadesh 200 has (I think) only four loanwords (2%), and all of them of Romance origin: animal < Latin (cf. How did that even get into their collection? Unfortunately the (online version of the?) That entry in the dictionary shows that I am wrong. Courtesy Glenn M. Schwartz. Very interesting. This might be a fuss over word use. Which is to say, some examples of pescado in reference to a live fish, a fish in the wild, or this or that species of fish. Well, recognising IE words and morphology was the key to interpreting Hittite texts in the first place, so without that we wouldnt be able to understand it. Post the link here it. ) those which got prematurely canonised as and... Cushitic, and Semitic together as Macro-Cushitic were increasingly burdened with ever more complex graphic representations their! Historical linguists were increasingly burdened with ever more complex graphic representations of their ideas were burdened! Strong formulation, Semitic ( Semitic-1 ) must have arrived from Africa dictionary shows that am! The inlanders had no children ( plant ) apart from those they imported from the market by Apple and.. 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