If you know the name of the service, ward or team you want, you can also call 0114 226 9696 and then state the name when prompted. Relatives have the use of a comfortable waiting area whererefreshments can be provided. Blood Tests (Phlebotomy) 01246 512249. If you can't see the number you're looking for here, then you can call our call centre on 0151 706 2000 for help. The early pregnancy unit is a nurse lead service which provides care for women who experience problems in early pregnancy, at less than 16 weeks gestation e.g. Address Royal Stoke University Hospital, ST4 6 Stoke-on-Trent, Royaume-Uni Categories Hospital GPS Coordinates 53.00196,-2.21341 Suggest Information Update Submit Review Ask a Question Map View on Facebook View at Instagram Report this page Hospitals in United Kingdom Questions about this place postcode lymebuilding? The baby's care will be provided by a highly competent and skilled workforce trained specifically in the care of the neonate. Please bring your pregnancy notes to every scan appointment. Telephone. University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust, University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust MOBILE, Midwifery Triage ( assess the condition that you have attended with), Midwifery Assessment ( perform the relevant investigations required). The service is nurse led, with only very complex cases being referred for further medical assessment. Please ask staff for the location of these places and they will happily direct you. . Telephone numbers for wards in the following areas are available: Cancer care Cardiovascular and thoracic Critical care and theatres Ear nose and throat Elderly care Medical Neurosciences Orthopaedic Paediatric Lyme Ward, Royal Stoke University Hospital. You will receive the same medical treatment you would previously have received as an inpatient. As routine, information can be shared with your child's General Practitioner and school nurse or health visitor. By creating an account you are acknowledging, Statement handling updated from policy (, Trust Policy on Managing Risk Associated with Safeguarding Children (, Providing nutrition to patients with different and complex needs, Assessing patients and escalating concerns to members of the team, Being professional and having good communication skills with all members of the multi-disciplinary team, Completing and providing patients care to a high standard. The centre is run by midwiveswho care for women in labour, deliver their babies, provide immediate postnatal care and transfer women back to the care of the community midwife on discharge from hospital. Occupational Therapy. We also have two operating theatres which are used for women who have a planned caesarean section. Approximately 1,500 babies are born here each year. The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is based on the second floor of theMaternity Centre. Make and receive calls from across the state or around the world. It is a way of providing safe care,designed around your needs. Once in the Emergency Department, patients are seen in order of priority not time of arrival. Please note that self-referrals are not accepted. Enter your email address or sign in with your Google account. This is a ten-bedded area located on ward 205 that cares for babies who require additional monitoring but do not need the level of care required from a neonatal unit. The centre is open to pregnant women with minimal or no complications. Babies are generally admitted from the labour ward or from the midwifery wards and occasionally from other neonatal units. The Royal Stoke University Hospital is part of the two University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust (the other hospital is Stafford County Hospital).The hospital is situated on the border between Stoke-on-Trent and Newcastle-under-Lyme.The hospital provides a range of services for in and out patients.For more information, please follow the link to visit their website. This area is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 43m Ward 100 Surgical Assessment Unit Hospital. Patients who are referred to this area of care can be unstable in their presentation, unable to mobilise, require immediate treatment or medication and have been assessed by the triage nurse as suitable for this service. Additional telephone numbers:Appointment Centre: 01782 676676Medicines Helpline: 01782 674537 (Monday to Friday: 10am to 1pm and 2pm to 4pm). Investing in the health and wellbeing of our staff is really important to us. The Trust recommends you use either Car Park B next to the West Building orCar Park C next to the A34 itself to access this car park you must loop around the West Building) Please clickherefor details of where to findus. Normal birth is promoted. Department/Ward. Monday-Friday: 06:30 until 09:00 and 17:00 until 23:15. This site uses cookies. Your private number stays private and when youre off the clock, you can mute notifications for business calls. Ward 111 is a highly specialised, multi skilled surgical ward. All others will be seen the following day. Within the Emergency Department there is a dedicated area patients can access while waiting for further tests and investigations to be completed or for mobility/physio assessments. With 13 Maps and 12 Plans. On Tuesday afternoons our midwives see pregnant women, particularly those who live outside the immediate area, for their first appointment and on Friday afternoons we have a midwife-led Anti-D clinic for mums who are Rhesus negative.In order to maintain continuity of care the Antenatal Clinic also has strong links with the community midwifery team. The centre is focused on providing the right care for patientsin the right place. Royal Stoke University Hospital Each of the fourrooms has up-to-date technical equipment in order to monitor patients more intensively. Taking your own pictures of the ultrasound screen or recording your scan is not permitted at any time. The birthing pool room has special colour change lights which can be set to the patient's preference and create a comforting and relaxed atmosphere. Main Building Floor 2 Stop typing the same responses over and over again, and give your customers reliable answers faster. It is where we provide antenatal care for women who are under the care of one of our consultants rather than those who intend to give birth at home or in our Midwife Birth Centre. It is a natural and safe choice andcan be ideal for women who are expecting to have a healthy pregnancy, straightforward childbirth and a healthy baby. Alternatively, staff may arrange for you to be seen in an appropriate outpatient clinic at another time. Ward Specialty Phone number Location; Chartwell Centre: Cancer and specialist blood services: 01689 863170 01689 863172: level 0 . Freedom of Information Your urine willalsobe tested and depending on the stage of your pregnancy, your baby's heart ratelistened to. Some women choose to have their baby at home. Your community midwife will give you this at your first booking appointment. Was this response helpful? We combine a number of specific medical disorders with obstetric clinics so women should always have the opportunity to be cared for by the specialist consultant. After about 30 weeks of your pregnancy you will be able to detect a clear pattern of movements. Royal Stoke University Hospital Mobile telephones are permitted on the wards and there is a payphone available in the day room.. Obstetrics And Gynaecology. When babies are discharged,there are a number of support agencies available, which include:. We are committed to equality of opportunity and welcome applications from everyone regardless of ethnicity, disability, gender, age, faith or sexual orientation. You will be visited at home the day after you return.. Jasmin Olivia Beauty Salon, Stoke-On-Trent Moat House, Maternity Block University Hospital of North Staffordshire, School of Nursing and Midwifery - Keele University, Clinical Education Centre, University Hospital of North Staffordshire, Keele University Medical School - Clinical Education Centre, University Hospital of North Staffordshire NHS, bench outside maternity block city general, Anderson Wise - Not caring about the job seekers, St. Michael High School Sonde - best learning evironment, Pipara fun entertainment - jkhuinkoiuuhhu8n8g7bb 8yghg6 yb, Absolute Genetic Technologies - Good scientific reference, Abiy Yilma Media - Sadis - Sewoch me faker yelebachewim malet jemerik demo, Oriental Fusion OR Tambo Int' Airport, Chinese Thai cuisine - Dishonest staff, - , @ Blue Water Lodge/ Chawama Lusaka - Enquiry, Ybanez Carwash, Vulcanizing, Car Aircon Repair Shop - Good am pa cleaning unta ko sa aircon sa balay. If you or someone you know is experiencing a medical emergency, you can still attend the Emergency Department or call 999. Click hereto find out more about what screeningis offered for you and your baby during and after pregnancy. There are various places within the hospital site that refreshments can be brought, and there are also vending machines. So that parents can spend as much time as possible with their baby, we have 6 ensuite parent over-night stay bedrooms with kitchen and lounge facilities. Staff on the Delivery Suite includemidwives, doctors, nurses, clinical support workers, and hotel support service staff, all of whom work with women to provide a full range of care suited to their needs. Our maternity centre has been accredited as 'UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund) Baby Friendly' because of our best practice standards in breastfeeding. In all these areas you may be seen and treated by a doctor, an Emergency Nurse Practitioner or an Advanced Nurse Practitioner. The triage system consists of a 3 tier system of: In Triage the midwife will discuss the concerns that you have attended with. um stays in her own room from when she is admitted in labour, through delivery until she goes home). The Major Care Centre (B Bay) is situated in the centre of the Emergency Department. You will have the opportunity to consider fouroptions which complies with Maternity Matters - Choice, access and continuity of care in a safe service (2007). Women can be referred directly to the clinic via their midwives, general practitioners, health visitors, physiotherapists, practice nurses, and consultants. It is hoped this will avoid unnecessary waits for patients in our EDs and support our Emergency Department to treat those who most need our help. . Weston Road Find out more about our use of cookies. It is directly linked to x-ray for ease of access to those patients who require imaging. For urgent medical help call NHS 111 to book an Emergency Department time slot. Ward 206 (Postnatal and Antenatal) 01782 672206 . The service alsoaims to prevent unnecessary hospital admissions and provide abetter experience for you. Please be aware that we cannot guarantee the security of any emails sent/received via non encrypted format. Support in this area is also from critical care staff, stroke services and all specialities within the hospital. Royal Stoke University Hospital is a Hospital facility based in Stoke-on-Trent. This means the ambulance service can hand over your care to staff in the Emergency Department so they can respond quickly to further urgent 999 calls in the community. The Trust has around 1,450 inpatient beds across two sites in Stoke-on-Trent and Stafford. UHNM comprises Royal Stoke University Hospital (RSUH) and FMBU (Freestanding Midwifery Birth Unit) at County Hospital, Stafford. For Royal Stoke Hospital Labour Ward: 01782 672333. OpenPhones flexible suite of features means youre open for business from any device, anywhere. Your advisor can also direct you to a more appropriate NHS service depending on your needs, such as: Calling 111 first will help us to maintain social distancing and ensure that you receive the right care in the right place, in a more timely way. Royal Stoke Ward Client. Main Building Case Studies. Easily download and install our app, and find the right numbers for your business. For Wythenshawe Hospital Labour Ward . Once your symptoms have been assessed you will be allocated a waiting time. Main Building Floor 2, Below are lists of ward contact details for the Royal, Broadgreen and Dental Hospitals. All of the midwives work alongside thespecialist consultants within the antenatal clinic. Surgical Assessment Unit. Ideally we ask that children do not accompany you to your scan. You will be given details of the hospital where you will give birth to your baby and you will contact them if you think that you might be in labour. The four-bay wards are excellent and everyone staff and patients are delighted with the results. For Stepping Hill Hospital Labour Ward: 0161 419 5551. Our Emergency Department is one of thebusiest in the country which regularly sees 400 or more patients per day. If you have a minor injury or illness, you will be redirected to Haywood Hospital from the Royal Stoke University Hospital. Check the latest visiting information during coronavirus (COVID-19). There is a water cooler situated within the department. There are eleven rooms, each of whichhas an en-suite bathroom with a large bath that can be used for hydrotherapy in labour. Everyone is assessed on clinical need so people will not always been seen in the order that they arrive. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. However a few will require a further period of assessment or treatment in the Children's Assessment Unit (CAU) which is linked directly or as an inpatient on one of the children's wards. When you submit your application, the following privacy notice applies: Your data is being collected by University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust, whose privacy notice can be found here. Scroll Down. Oesophago-Gastric cancer surgery. On arrival you will have an initial assessment within 15 minutes by a nurse or be reviewed by an acute care consultant. During periods of exceptional demand you may need to wait in our Ambulance Assessment Area or corridor. However, if you have no alternative then they will of course be allowed into the scan room with you. Shifts do include early, late, night and weekends and you would be required to do all shifts. All correspondence will be sent to you via the email address you applied from. The kiosks are supported by our trained urgent care navigators, who will remain on hand to help and support patients. Create departments for small groups. While the population increase in Atlantas urban core hasnt risen much recently, just .19% from 2019 to 2020, the greater Atlanta area continues to grow fast. The paediatric department is directly linked to x-ray for those children who require imaging. Main Building Floor 2 You may be asked to attend a clinic within theambulatory emergency care centre or return to another hospital department for further investigations. For more information, please contact the individual groups or organisations listed. We offer a range of options for our staff to help maintain a good work-life balance including full time, part time hours and bank hours. Ambulatory Care Unit. Patients arereferred to theunitby the clinician whose care they are under,and may attend the departmenton a number ofoccasions over the period of a few days for repeat investigations/scans. The mothers and babies are roomed together and parents are encouraged to have direct input into the care of their baby. Minor injuries units can help with a number of conditions including: Phone your GP practice or go to a local high street or supermarket pharmacy and seek advice there. Telephone: Switchboard: 01782 715444 Email: universityhospital@uhns.nhs.uk Contact Details Website Royal Stoke University Hospital website Additional Information Additional telephone numbers: Appointment Centre: 01782 676676 Medicines Helpline: 01782 674537 (Monday to Friday: 10am to 1pm and 2pm to 4pm) Page last reviewed: 25/01/2021 New cANCA, MPO, PR3 and anti-GBM results will be phoned, and we will endeavour to phone any other results that appear to require particular attention. All patients and visitors can access our free NHS Wi-Fi and patient entertainment service. Royal Liverpool University Hospital wards Broadgreen Hospital We always take complaints seriously. Use your number on any cell phone, tablet, or computer using OpenPhone, the #1 rated business phone platform on G2. Approximately 1,500 babies are born here each year. I know it was one or two wooden buildings not located in the body of the hospital. Please help us to prevent infection and keep our hospitals clean during your visit. If you feel you have the attributes for this exciting new development, please apply! Newcastle Road, Other venues may be available in the near future. If you are unable to keep this appointment please telephone us on 01782 671700 so that we can rearrange this for you. This application tracking system is provided by Civica UK Ltd (https://www.civica.com/en-gb/product-pages/trac/) as a data processor. Mum can have two people with her during labour and birth. If your midwife has recommended that you are referred to the hospital for an antenatal appointment it is generally due to something in either you or your family history that requires more monitoring than can be provided in the community. Having a baby on the Neonatal Unit can be a very difficult time for parents and families. the #1 rated business phone platform on G2, Share the main business number with your entire team, How to Schedule a Text Message Based on Your Contacts Time Zone. Our latest information and guidance on coronavirus. You will usually have two scans; onebetween 11 13 weeks of pregnancy and a detailed scan at approximately 20 weeks. Royal Stoke University Hospital, Newcastle RoadStoke-on-TrentST4 6QG, County Hospital, Weston RoadStaffordST16 3SA. You will not have to travel in labour and will not be separated from the rest of your family. Department of Microbiology 01246 512324. It provides a limited repertoire of essential tests for ward and outpatient activity on the County site. Many of our midwives also have individual areas of expertise. Ward 111, UHNM Address Newcastle Road Town Newcastle under Lyme Postcode ST46QG . The new standards focus on helping mothers to build a close and loving relationship with their baby. Microbiology, Virology and Molecular Microbiology Services, Biochemistry Helpdesk (for general enquiries), Blood Sciences Helpdesk (Haematology results), Blood Sciences Specimen Reception (Haematology results), 01785 230757 or 230758 (internal 4757 or 4758), Senior Biomedical Scientist (Haematology), Histology technical enquiries & frozen section enquiries helpdesk (Histology Main Laboratory), Specimen enquiries (Histology lab specimen reception), Lead Biomedical Scientist for Histopathology, Technical Lead Biomedical Scientist for Histopathology, Technical Lead Biomedical Scientist for Immunocytochemistry & clinical trials, UHNM Pathology Stores Manager (sample container and request form enquiries), Advanced Practitioner/Lead Biomedical Scientist, Senior Biomedical Scientists (Biochemistry), Deputy Directorate Manager & Cellular Pathology Manager, Biochemistry, Immunology and POCT Manager, Haematology and Blood Transfusion Manager, Royal Stoke Blood Transfusion Laboratory: 01782 (6)74950, County Blood Transfusion Laboratory: 01785 257731 x4757, Royal Stoke:Bleep Biomedical Scientist on 390, County: Bleep Biomedical Scientist on 4751 (laboratory open between 06:00 and midnight), Royal Stoke: Bleep Biomedical Scientist on 175, County: Bleep Biomedical Scientist on 4751. Also call 999 if you think someone has had a major trauma, such as after a serious road traffic accident, a stabbing, a shooting, a fall from height, or a serioushead injury. There is a three-bedded post- analgesia care unit where patients are admitted for immediate post-operative assessment prior to their transfer to the postnatal ward. Emergency nurse Practitioner or an Advanced nurse Practitioner cooler situated within the Hospital any cell phone, tablet, computer... A three-bedded post- analgesia care Unit ( NICU ) is based on the second Floor theMaternity! County Hospital, Stafford be separated from the labour ward: 01782 672333 cell phone tablet... Security of any emails sent/received via non encrypted format latest visiting information coronavirus. Not time of arrival illness, you can still attend the Emergency Department patients... 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