Elimination Diet Resources

Here you will find the essential documents we mention in our book, The Elimination Diet™ Please download them, print, use a 3-hole puncher, and add them all to a special binder. For the Journal, we recommend printing off about 60 pages of the third page in the document in order to have a full journal to write in. Add this to your binder or use a separate binder just for your Elimination Diet Journal. 

We've also provided a Resources Cover Page PDF below in case you want to place this on the front cover of your binder to stay organized! 

We have also created an Elimination Diet Facebook Support Group just for you! Click HERE to request to be part of the group. You can share your story, post recipes, and more! 

Do you need help with finding recipes and creating meal plans for your elimination diet? Become a Nourishing Meals® member and get access to hundreds of Elimination Diet recipes and tools to plan your meals and create shopping lists! Learn more here! After you sign up, choose the specific phase you are in and the site will show you all of the recipes for that phase. See our Elimination Diet recipes here

We hope you enjoy the book, these resources, and the entire process of the Elimination Diet! 


Hello, I purchased the Elimination Book and filled out for the 2 free bonus but I have not received anything in my email Amazon #702-3252162-8626630 order number Could you please send it to me Thank you in advance

Hi Chantelle- Please use the contact link in the top nav bar and send us an email. We can't help you without your email address. Thanks! :)

I purchased the Elimination Diet Book as well as the audio book, but I don't know anything about 2 free bonuses. I pre purchased the book through Amazon. Could I get more info about the bonuses and if I'm still eligible? Thank you!

Michelle~ Just go to this link to enter in your info and get the bonuses: http://wholelifenutrition.net/books/elimination-diet

Hi Jennifer~ You can contact our office and someone can help you. I would suggest looking in your Promotions folder if you use gmail, or one of your junk/spam folders if you use another email provider. Be sure to add "info@wholelifenutrition.net" to your address book so you get our emails in your inbox. Here is the link to the contact form on this site if you need more help: https://wholelifenutrition.net/contact

Hi Tom, I just saw your interview with Isabella Wentz. Great job. I love your ideas and your heart to help people. I do a weekly show to teach docs how to use nutrition called the Tuesday minute. We are in over 40 countries and growing. I am going to promote your book in my program because as you so eliquently discussed food allergy testing isn't always the answer. I love how you empower people. i would like to have a link to a longer interview with you by phone to train docs. I can see that your book could be a great resource for all their patients. It would be amazing if they could recommend all their patients to get a copy and use this tool to encourage them to conquer their diseases. My cell is 708-609-6838. Please call to discuss the possibility of doing an interview. Thanks for sharing your heart, I look forward to discussing the possibility. Thanks Joe

Hi Tom and Alissa - I ordered your book through Amazon as an audio download through Audible? I didn't receive an order number? It took me right to the Audible site to download. I listened to the entire book this weekend. I love it, I feel like I have a new way to look at food! Thank you so much for your time and dedication. I am considering the support group, I will decide soon. In the meantime I do not know how to obtain the free bonuses? Thank you Charlene

Hi Charlene- So glad you enjoyed the book! If you use the contact form on the site (click on "Contact" in the top nav bar) then we can use your email address and send them to you. I know you have to enter in your email for these comments but we don't see them actually. Thanks! :)

I bought the elimination diet from the iBookstore but cannot find my order # anywhere. How can I get my free materials? Thanks

Hi Judi- Just send us an email using the "Contact" link up in the top nav bar on this site and we can send you the bonuses. :)

Hello, Does this diet help with lowering diabetes blood sugars? I am thinking about going on it but need to know if it will help eliminate the diabetes symmptoms. Thanks, Jflow18

It's best to consult with your doctor about this. :)

I'm studying nutrition, and have been exploring this field for years. Your book "The Elimination Diet" is outstanding! I could not put it down....you bring so many ideas I've been learning together with such clarity. I'm recommending it to EVERYONE. I saw your whole food cookbook in my naturopath's office and thought, "Wow---this is the way I cook and what I eat!" I wish I had found your book about 5 years ago. And to top it off, I watched the video of your kids this morning making a green smoothie. That warmed my heart. Keep it up you are making a difference.

Thank you Diane for such a sweet comment!

Hi, I started the elimination diet and I already feel better. Where I live (Chile) we don't have kale, what would be a good replacement? We also don't have coconut flour, is there another flour that could replace it? Thanks for writing the book!

Hi Lisa- Can you find collard greens? That would be a good replacement for kale in all recipes. I don't know of any replacement for coconut flour as it is very unique in how much liquid it absorbs in a recipe. Can you order it online? Or just leave out the recipes that call for it (there are very few anyway).

Hi, I have been following your food blog for years and own both your cookbooks:) I have the kindle version of the Elimination Diet and am looking for the free printable version of the journal page. ...and my youngest is allergic to coconut. Is red palm oil a decent substitute for coconut oil for stage one? Normally, I cook a lot with grassfed, organic tallow and olive. I was just hoping for an oil to use in addition to olive.

Hi Amy~ The Journal page is above on this post. Yes you can use organic red palm oil in all phases, though if you are using the variation for children, beef is left in the diet...so tallow is fine to keep in.

thanks Alissa! I eventually "found" the journal page, lol- At first I thought it was just a single cover page like the other pages above. I was on day 2 and maybe had a bit of a foggy brain. I'm feeling better now and yes, I had also missed the part about children and beef. Thank-you!

Hi! Thanks so much for all the helpful information! Quick question - can broccoli sprouts and pea sprouts be included in all phases? Also, how about tiger nuts? Thanks again!

Lauren~ Yes sprouts can be used in all phases. Tiger nuts and tiger nut flour can be used in phase 2 and beyond. :)

Hello, My husband and I live in Poland and we can not find tapioca flour or brown rice flour anywhere? We are in phase one and want to make some of the recipes for stage two. May we use coconut flour? I am heading home next month and can stock up but good replacements for now. THank you .

Jen~ You can replace tapioca flour with arrowroot powder if need be. You can NOT replace rice flour with coconut flour though....that would be a disaster. Coconut flour is ok for phase 2, but eggs are not....making baking with it difficult.

I have been following the Elimination Diet for some days now. I just need a clarification, from my understanding Phase I is the Detox Phase which is only 2 days, right? I followed that and still include those foods in the Phase 2 Diet which I began. I feel so much better and as soon as I ate something at a restaurant I had diarhea when I returned home.

Sophie~ Please refer to the Elimination Diet book for all info regarding the length of phases. It will help guide you in following the diet correctly and successfully. http://wholelifenutrition.net/books/elimination-diet

I may be reading so much I'm confusing myself, but are Strawberries allowed in Phase 1 detox or not? The list of allowed foods only shows blueberries, blackberries and raspberries, but in the recipe listing it has Strawberry smoothies. Strawberries don't show as allowed on Phase 1 or Phase 2 that I can see. Help! :)

Kristen- Sorry, I'm not sure how strawberries disappeared from the list but they are OK for all phases.

Should one stick to eating the foods on the "yes" list while on the diet? Here are some things I eat sometimes: -organ meats (okay if from animals on the yes list?) And I saw venison was okay somewhere, what about elk meat in general? -mulberries, dragonfruit -nopales (cactus) -bee pollen, spirulina, chlorella

Emily- The YES list would be too long if we included all of the foods you could eat so we included general foods most people know about and consume. In general, stick with the NO list. All of the foods listed above are ok to consume. You can add in mulberries, dragonfruit, cactus, chlorella, spirulina, and bee pollen in phase 1 smoothies and beyond. Elk, and organ meats (from pastured animals only) is good for phase 2 and beyond.

Thanks for your reply! One more question, what is your take on lactic acid as an allergen? I see it in a lot of paleo snack sticks, pepperoni and sausages that are made of otherwise good ingredients. And while I 'm at it artisan sausages are often sold with that powerdy white yeast/mold on the outside. That could be really bad for some people, right?

I am on day 5 of the diet and have been wondering about oats. I know they are excluded, but what about certified gluten-free oats, such as Bob's Red Mill? Are they still problematic?

Hey Rebecca! Thanks for asking this question. I have found that many of my clients that react to gluten also react to oats. Just in case you might cross-react, I recommend leaving oats out of the diet. Have you tried quinoa flakes for breakfast yet? How about our yummy turkey hash recipe? Wishing you the best of success!

I want to follow this diet plan but I can NOT eat any kind of meat or fish products. my question is, can I still benefit from this elimination diet system or do I have to look somewhere else. Meat or fish is 100% OUT. there can be no compromise here.

Hi Sonja! Thanks so much for this question. I was vegan for 30 years so I completely understand your concerns. You can do the diet as a vegetarian/vegan. There would be a lot of beans, rice, quinoa, and veggies involved. If you do not have any symptoms of gas, nausea, bloating, or diarrhea, this would work well for you. If you do, you may want to sprout and ferment all beans and grains and take some digestive enzymes. I find that many vegans benefit from taking zinc, a b-complex, and some amino acids as well. This Amino Acid Compley (https://wholelifenutrition.net/store/supplements/amino-complex-berry-flavor) seems to be particularly helpful.

Hey there! My husband and I have completed day 2 of the detox. It's going pretty well, although we've both had some gas and bloating. According to the FAQ, I believe this is normal. However, my question is this: is stevia allowed after phase 1 detox? Thank you and I'm enjoying the recipes!

I am looking for a protein powder that I could use in phase 2. Do you have any suggestions? I have one with sprouted brown rice, quinoa, and amaranth, but amaranth is not mentioned on the phase 2 list at all. Also, what kind of pickles are okay? What about Bubbies pickles - they're a good source of probiotics and do not included either peppers or vinegar?

Hi, I'm really excited about starting the program! I also got the audible version on amazon and can't get access to the recipes or other tools included... or the extra things available on your site. I really want to get started, but I feel unprepared. How can I get access to those things? Thanks!

Hey Erin! Oh no! I am sorry you are having a hard time accessing the other materials. Someone said that they look like an additional audio file on amazon. You may want to shoot them a customer service question to find out. Send me your e-mail to info@wholelifenutrition.net and I will send you our bonus files to get you started. Wishing you the best of success!

Hi, I'm on Phase 2 of the diet and wondering if Wasabi is ok? I'd really like to sashimi for lunch. Thanks

Hi! As I understand tapioca flour is okay for Phase 2. What about white rice flour? I can grind Jasmine rice myself. What about glutinous rice flour? (very little amylose content). We don't have sweet potatoes where I live and half of the veggies from the list. I am already getting depressed planning my meals. If I eliminate all the FODMAPS (looks like I need to) I might as well just shoot myself.

Hey Tania! All rice flour is fine if it is produced in a dedicated facility that does NOT produce wheat, rye, spelt, kamut, or barley. If you are using it for baking, rice flour has to be finely ground. Our VitaMix does not grind the rice finely enough so I hope you have a great grain grinder. Best of luck to you!

Hi Tania! Thanks for the question. Stevia is fine. We prefer the natural dried stevia powder or fresh leaves. If you live in an area where it stay relatively warm, you may be able to grow a stevia plant. Be careful when baking with stevia. It is an exact science and you will need to refer to cookbooks that use stevia in the original recipes. Baking soda is fine but make sure you use corn-fee baking powder. Many people will make it out of baking soda, gluten-free arrowroot powder, and cream of tartar.

Is bison allowed in phase 2?

I am on day 9 and i noticed when i started phase 2 that my skin was reacting, apple cider vinegar is something i have introduced that i think i might be reacting to. Do you know if others have reacted? I am getting really red dry skin and eczema. other than this i have just been having all the fruits and veges allowed

Is Great Lakes Collagen Hydrosylate allowed during phase 2?

hi, can I eat gluten free oats in phase 2? Its made in an non gluten production and it is for celiacic people...


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